Thursday, April 06, 2006

Public Service Announcement

Since my sister called and asked, I feel I should mention that strong antibiotics and large doses of prednisone have effectively cured my St. Anthony's Fire. I have some pinkness but basically I look normal again. I had an appointment with a doctor today and the diagnosis for my lymph nodes is Sarcoidosis, also known as 'We Don't Really Know What's Wrong.' Prednisone makes me irritable. Pray for Bob.

Pat, my sister, suggested I should call the blog 'Guano Happens.'


Blogger Derryl Murphy said...

I was going to send you a loonie (Canadian dollar coin) so you could put the image of the queen up against your face and cure that ailment (not quite the same as the King laying hands on you, I know, but since there isn't a king lying about handy right now, and since Liz seems so busy...), but it sounds like the miracles of modern medicine have made me superfluous.


April 07, 2006 12:53 AM  

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